CTIS Research Areas
The Center will consider unsolicited proposals in the areas of advanced materials, transition-state fuel vehicle infrastructure, and NDE technologies and methods with the objective of advancing the state-of-the-art of transportation infrastructure and safety. Three examples of possible areas are listed below:
- Improvement of existing civil engineering construction materials for conventional and extreme events. Among the various construction materials, relatively low cost cementitious materials, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and structural steel are predominant and used to build transportation structures. These materials can be improved to offer better performance, particularly in terms of durability and alternative environmentally sensitive construction materials. New technology in the fields of high performance concrete and steel is of interest to the Center.
- Modeling of composite hydrogen storage cylinders. Pressurized hydrogen storage cylinders are critical components of hydrogen transportation systems (vehicle fuel systems, bulk commodity transport, portable storage, and stationary storage). These cylinders also have pressure/thermal relief devices (P/TRDs) that are activated in case of an emergency. Finite element (FE) analysis is a powerful numerical tool for the design and analysis of advanced engineering systems.
- NDE/sensors. NDE includes monitoring and evaluating new and repaired structures and system components. Smart structures have the ability to sense and perhaps respond to the environment. Good sensing systems possess appropriate sensitivity, discrimination of measurands (the physical quantity being sensed), environmental ruggedness, low cost, distributed capability, and ease of attachment or incorporation with the structure. Fiber optic sensors have a particularly good combination of these desirable properties. Strain, temperature, pressure, and position are some of the measurands sensed and used to assess structural integrity, monitor performance, and perform nondestructive evaluation. The sensor signals may be used to control actuators, which affect the structure. NDT products and implementation processes are of interest to the Center.
Learn more about our program of research, education and technology transfer in our strategic plan (PDF).
View the Center Research Areas prior to July 1, 2006 when the University Transportation Center (UTC) became National (NUTC) .