Research Activities: 2012

Adapting Risk Management and Computational Intelligence Network Optimization
Techniques to Improve Traffic Throughput and Tail Risk Analysis

 Status Complete                View Final Report: PDF
Sequential Number R348
Identification Number 00042533
Matching Research Agency

Missouri University of Science & Technology

Principal Investigator

Donald Wunsch
Mary K Finley Professor
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65409
(573) 341-4521

Student Involvement

One graduate student


Project Objective
The object of this project is to use computational-intelligence-based risk
management and analysis techniques and computer network optimization techniques in the field
of transportation.

Project Abstract
Risk management techniques are used to analyze fluctuations in
uncontrollable variables and keep those fluctuations from impeding the core function of a system or business. Examples of this are making sure that volatility in copper and aluminum prices do not force an aircraft manufacturer to abruptly shut down manufacturing and making sure a failed bank or state does not cause an entire financial system to fail. Computer network optimization techniques involve many nodes and routes communicating to maximize throughput of data while making sure not to deadlock high priority or time sensitive data. This project will involve exploring possible remappings of these application spaces from risk and
computer networks to traffic. Some of these possible mappings include mapping flash crashes and black swans to traffic jams, bank failure to construction or traffic accidents, data packets to vehicles, network routers to traffic lights and other intersection policies. Due to the large data
and large solution/ state/ policy spaces computational intelligence techniques are a natural fit for traffic as they are for risk management and computer network optimization.

Relationship to other Research/Projects

Dr. Wunsch has an NSF project on wind energy that uses related methods.


Transportation-Related Keywords

Risk, optimization, data, finance, traffic, infrastructure

Technology Transfer Activities

Dr. Wunsch and Mr. Schumacher have formed a company, ASSET LLC, for the application of these and related techniques in financial markets, and computational intelligence software application and development.

Project Deliverables

The deliverable for this project is a report demonstrating application of these techniques to transportation / infrastructure related data.

Anticipated Benefits

The main anticipated benefit is insight into a new way of analyzing, designing, and optimizing transportation infrastructure and possibly new tools for doing so.


Project Start Date: 05/01/2013
Project End Date:
